Bhagavad Gita's book review - Enlightment


Over the past few weeks, I have been reading the book Bhagavad Gita by Jack Hawley published by New World Library in 2001. This book tells about the dialogue between prince Arjuna and Krishna, who is the reincarnation of Lord Vishnu. Arjuna who is going to fight becomes doubtful knowing that he will fight against his own kinsmen led by his cousin, Duryodhana, who cheated Arjuna's family out of their rightful kingdom and then denied their requests for even a trifling parcel of the land that was rightfully theirs. In his doubt and confusion, Arjuna asked Krishna, and Krishna answered all questions by giving a description of how one should live a life based on truth, the life of dharma. Krishna also explains the relationship between the path of knowledge, the path of action, and the path of love also emphasizes that all paths lead to Self-realization. And in the end, Krishna encouraged Arjuna to continue to fulfill his duty as a warrior as it is written, “You, Arjuna, are born and trained warrior-princes. If you are now trying to avoid your duty and mutate into a sanyasi (spiritual ascetic) just because you are facing doing something you imagine is painful, you will be violating your inner Truth (your conscience, your dharma), which is the basic root of your life! Better to die doing one's own work than trying to do someone else's work." (Hawley 35). “For a warrior, war against evil, greed, cruelty, hate, and jealousy is the highest duty.” “But if you do not fight this battle of good over evil, you will fail in both your worldly duty and in your duty to your very Self. You will violate your sva-dharma. Not doing the right thing when it is required is worse than doing the wrong thing.” (Hawley 17)

 I would recommend people to read this book, to understand and teach the true meaning of life in this world through the paths: Karma, Bhakti, Raja and Jnana Yoga. This book contains the secret of how to lead a person from darkness to enlighten. “I have now taught you secret secrets. I have revealed the most mysterious of all mysteries. This sacred knowledge is now yours. The only goal is to lead mankind from the darkness of ignorance to enlightenment, from the mortal world of nature to the world of the imperishable Spirit, from the Unreal to the Real, from total sorrow to eternal bliss, and from death to immortality in Me, Brahma." (Hawley 165). Some parts of this book show Arjuna's sadness and despair of a dilemma, but with Krishna's guidance and explanation, Arjuna can make up his mind. If you want to know how to think and act in the right way, then this book is the right guide for you.

Works Citation

Hawley, Jack. The Bhagavad Gita: A walkthrough for Westerners. New World Library, 2001.


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